What is a lifegroup leader?
A LifeGroup leader is a person who oversees and cares for the people in your group. You will open up your home once a week for people to come over to study the Bible, do the weekly study created by the church, pray, eat, and have fun. You are a combination of a host, shepherd, leader, and prayer warrior. As a leader, you create vision and culture for your group, you counsel and help. There is a lot of responsibility for the group leader, but before you disqualify yourself, read the rest of this page. You are probably more ready than you realize.
what is the training to be a lifegroup leader?
Prior to you launching a group, we will train you and then continue to educate you so you are equipped to handle whatever may come up.
Orientation - This is designed to give you the 30,000 foot view of Life Groups at Red Rocks Church. We will be covering the major ideas, philosophies, and structures of Life Groups. If you have any questions, be sure to reach out to your campus Ministry Lead.
Pre-Launch Training - You will spend two nights with our staff and other leaders in lecture and discussion groups learning about all the things you need to know as a LifeGroup leader. We will cover expectations, self-leadership, weekly prep, how to handle conflict, how to create a life group culture, and much more.
Discipleship Lead - All new group leaders get a Discipleship Lead (a seasoned LG pro) to help them through their first year. You will meet with them right after training to ask questions and then throughout the year. This is a person who has ran a very successful group in the past and knows what they are doing. They will take you to coffee, visit your group, answer your questions, and help however they can
Discussion Groups - twice a month I hold an in person training prior to our YA service. This are discussion based trainings where leaders (and people from your group) can come and talk about things pertaining to your group. Often we will have a topic of discussion, sometimes we bring in a guest to lecture on something. For example, we had someone come in to talk about crisis and suicide so leaders are prepared should a situation like that come up.
Weekly Email - Every week you will receive an email covering topics you need to learn about from “How to handle gossip” to “the need for group and personal vision” to “how to host a prayer night”. These topics are intended to help you make your group better. They are written by the ministry lead and sent out every Tuesday.