Andrew Matrone, YA Ministry Lead

“Rich and poor have this in common: The LORD is the Maker of them all.” Proverbs 22:2

Interesting verse to start our daily devos off in a time like this, huh? Give me a second…

I’ve been thinking about this thought like crazy over the past week: that in just a few weeks, this virus has neutralized almost the entire world. Think about it… It doesn’t matter how rich or powerful you are, the color of your skin, your social status, your level of education -- this virus has absolutely leveled the playing field. Rich people are losing money in loads because of the stock market, celebrities are now nothing more than a face behind a phone camera, professional athletes can’t showcase their skills and are sitting at home just like the rest of us. IT’S CRAZY! In just a few short days, we have all become just mere people who all find ourselves in a very similar situation.

So, here’s the question… Why would God allow all of this to happen? Now I’m not God, but maybe just maybe, God has allowed (maybe not caused, but at least allowed) this thing to happen so that the world would see that when push comes to shove, no amount of money, status or personal success can give you the kind of hope that you need in a time like this. Right now, people are looking for something, just ANYTHING to put their hope in. People are riddled with fear, worry, anxiety, doubt and will undoubtedly turn to something.

I believe that in this time, God is going to flex his power! He’s going to flex his goodness! He’s going to flex his faithfulness! In this time, God will turn hearts to him for the first time and will turn hearts back to him that have fallen away. What the enemy meant for evil, God will turn for good! COME ON, SOMEBODY!!!

As I sit here writing this, I just watched online as 145 people made a decision to follow Christ during our 9AM service alone! WHAT?! This season will be a season of salvation. The brother, the friend, the co-worker that you thought would never come to Jesus, is more open than ever before. We cannot miss this opportunity.

Rich or poor, we all need a savior and the Maker of us all will not waste this time to make that apparent. Right now, we must put our hope and faith in Jesus Christ. We must humble ourselves, seek His face, turn from our sinful ways and reposture our hearts back to God (2 Chronicles 7:14) AMEN?!

Praying for each and every one of you this week!

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