“Whoever walks with the wise will become wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Proverbs 13:20 (ESV)
I have been married now for just over a year and have noticed something that a lot of married couples could back me upon. You unknowingly begin to pick up on little habits and quirks, if you will, that your spouse does or says and then you will start to notice you doing them yourself. It’s such a bizarre thing, but my wife has told me multiple times how she has responded to someone with something I say frequently and then wonders why that is.
I can tell you why and it’s because we spend so much time together in close proximity that we have/are slowly becoming more like each other. Studies have actually shown that married couples of over 30+ years literally begin to physically look like each other because they pick up on each other’s facial expressions and body language which in turn makes them subconsciously repeat said expressions.
There is an old saying that if you show me your closest 5 friends then I could show you your future. So, my question to you is, who are you surrounding yourself with? Who would you say you are becoming like?
The Bible warns us time and time again about paying attention to who we surround ourselves with because they will (not might, but will) have a lasting impression on us. We need to place ourselves in places and in groups of people where they are going to encourage us, challenge us, and push us closer to the one we ultimately want to become the most like, Jesus.
Having people in your life that will pray for you, pray with you, and fight for you when times are toughest is so vital to our walk with God. We were not made to do life alone, but we were designed to live in a community with other believers that are willing to set aside their feelings and sacrifice for one another. And we are called to do that for others as well!
Proverbs 27:17 (ESV) says “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Do you have people in your life who are sharpening you? People, who are willing to challenge you and call things out of you to become more of who God has designed you to be?
And let’s be honest, we live in a pretty sensitive world right now with people not knowing what can be said or done without hurting someone’s feelings. Even when it comes from a good place and they say it to better us and push us forward.
But what if we began to change the way we thought and perceived situations? What if we were the generation that said “I’m going to place myself in a posture to listen to what my people are saying to me because I believe the best in what they tell me. They are sharpening me and pushing me to be the best that I was created to be.”
It is not an easy task and any kind of relationship is hard at times, but I want to challenge you to take some time today to ask God to place specific people in your life for this purpose. Also, maybe get real risky and ask God if there is anyone in your life right now that you might need to step away from for a bit. In either case, you are inviting God to have a say in who you spend your time with and help lead you in the path that He wants for you.
The last thought I want to leave you with is something I touched on earlier and that is we are becoming someone. Period. The word Christian means “little Christ.” If you call yourself a Christian than you are telling people that you are a little version of Christ himself which is the ultimate end goal. To live, act, and look more and more like Jesus. To show Him to the world and to share the good news of the cross to everyone we come in contact with. But what does your time with Him look like right now?
If we are becoming like the people we spend the most time with, and we want to become more and more like Christ, then what does your time spent with Him look like right now?
I’m daring you to dive a little deeper in your walk with Him this week, get a little more uncomfortable, and allow Him to begin the transformation in your heart that only He can provide.