“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” Psalm 16:11

I currently have a lot of time on my hands… like most people. #Quarantine I have time to sleep in, time to make a big breakfast, time to watch HOURS of One Tree Hill, time to video chat with my get the point. I also have ample amounts of time to spend in the word. This is a beautiful thing, but when I don’t take the time to read the word, I feel guilt and shame because I literally have no excuse. 

I think we sometimes view spending time with Jesus as a super serious thing. We MUST spend hours in the word or we won’t have an intimate connection with the father. We must know all the Bible stories and the order of books. I want to make something clear. Spending time in the word every day is IMPORTANT and we should be excited to hear what the Lord has to say, but I also think that sometimes Jesus just wants to hang out as well.

Think about your best friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, or spouse. If your relationship was just ONE avenue It probably wouldn’t grow or flourish and you definitely wouldn’t be getting deeper with them. Same thing with JESUS! While diving into the word is number 1 on my list of ways to get to know Jesus, He wants to do other things with you as well! 

Going on a drive and praying, dancing, painting and asking the Lord what colors to use, going on a run and cranking Red Rocks Worship (shameless plug). These are all things I truly believe Jesus wants to do with us. I’ve even asked Jesus what I should wear for the day! It may sound silly, but He cares about every aspect of our every day. 

And here’s something that’ll get you JAZZED. In my experience, connecting with the Lord in ways outside of the word has only made our relationship more intimate while IN the word. I get more revelation now than ever before because I’m including him in the tiniest parts of my day. I know when Jesus is like “Okay girl, I got something to SAY. So open the word and buckle up.” Or when’s he’s like “Let’s have a fun devo session and then go SHOPPING!” Jesus is fun. He wants more of you and he wants IN on your every day. 

So let’s stop sitting in guilt or shame for not reading the word. Those feelings aren’t from the Lord. Let’s instead, get pumped about hanging out with Jesus, in the word AND outside. 

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