“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7

I once heard a well-known pastor tell a story of their first job pastoring. They were young and inexperienced and oftentimes found themselves feeling inadequate or overwhelmed with the weight of leading. With nowhere else to turn they began daily reading from the book of Proverbs hoping to gain God’s wisdom and insight into how to lead a church. I remember them saying that not only did they gain wisdom and insight but a deep and devout fear and reverence for God. Since that breakthrough they experienced as young pastors reading the book of Proverbs, they have tried to make an effort to read one Proverb each day.

Since hearing that story, I do my best to read one Proverb a day too. Now, I am far from perfect with this, but every time I make my way back to Proverbs 1 this verse always jumps out at me: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7.

That phrase, “fear of the Lord” is such a layered phrase. In some respects, it speaks to an actual fear of judgment from a perfect and holy God, but when you dig deeper it means so much more. The fear of the Lord can also be understood as the awe and honor of the Lord. To be so in awe of Jesus that every other endeavor in life pales in comparison.

I love this because it makes life much more simple. Sure, it’s great to read books to further your education about Jesus or the Bible. It’s great to study theology and look into the teaching of Jesus and the apostles. All of that has a good and proper place. But I love that Proverbs tells us that the beginning of knowledge (and, if I may, the continuation of knowledge) is becoming more in awe of Jesus every day.

No matter how far along you are on your spiritual journey we all can become more in awe of Jesus every day. Maybe for you this is through worship, or maybe it comes by spending time in God’s word. Whatever the case, set aside time today to simply stand in awe of Jesus a little more.

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