“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” - 1 Peter 2:9

Has anyone ever said something about you that made you feel valuable? Maybe it was that you’re a hard worker or a great friend - something that stuck with you and you sort of clung to. Or maybe something was said that made you question your value, that caused you to question who you are and what you deserve. It is completely normal for us as humans to desire to feel valuable. However, if we aren’t careful, it can be easy to find our value in all the wrong places.

There are many things in this world that we might look to in order to give us value. For some of us, it’s our jobs, our appearance, our relationships, or maybe our success. At times, we aren’t even aware that we’re looking to the wrong things to give us value. Half the battle is recognizing what it is you are clinging to in an attempt to make you feel like enough.

Try this. Ask yourself what parts about your life makes you feel good about yourself. Now think about what would happen to your self-worth if any of those things changed. While our jobs, relationships, and personal attributes are all important parts of our lives, they are not what gives us value. Jobs change, relationships end, looks fade, so building your self-worth upon these things is like building a house on sinking sand. Instead, we must look to a firm foundation to find value and worth.

God cares about how you see yourself. He calls us chosen, royal, holy, and His special possession. God calls you valuable. He values you so much that He made you in His image and invites you into a personal relationship with Him! Let me put it like this: The God of the universe invited you to eternity. But He didn’t just invite you, He made all the arrangements, even died on a cross, so that you could get there. He did this all because He loves you! Does that make you feel valuable?

It has nothing to do with what you have done, where you work, who you are with, but has EVERYTHING to do with who you are in Christ! In moments where things like work, school, or relationships or whatever it may be, are stripped from you and you are questioning your value, remind yourself that the God of the universe has made a way for you to have eternity with him because He saw you as valuable. When our worth is found in who we are in Christ we are able to build a foundation for that on solid rock. So walk with your head held high today knowing that you are a CHOSEN, ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, GOD’S SPECIAL POSSESSION.

Milanna BakkenComment