“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:31

You know, when all of this went down about 6 weeks ago, I went into full-blown protective father mode! I had one goal: take care of and protect my family. It’s all I was worried about. All my time, energy, and prayers went towards my family and myself. 

I think that is a very natural response for us when adversity comes our way; we look out for number one and those closest to us. Nothing to feel bad about, we all do it. However, I have to believe that God calls us to more and it may be time for us to start switching our energy and focus.

One morning I was scrolling through “the gram” and a popular pastor posted a picture of an old woman receiving food and his 4-word caption read “get outside your circle”. It hit me like a ton of bricks or maybe it was the Holy Spirit… either way.

I was reminded about the interaction with Jesus in the book of Mark when he was asked the question, “What is the greatest commandment?” After Jesus famously says that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, he goes on to say that the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.

It would have been one thing for Jesus to say “love your neighbor”... like sure, I can figure out some ways to love my neighbor, but then in typical Jesus fashion, he adds the kicker… AS YOURSELF. I think (assuming) Jesus was trying to say that if you love your neighbor as you love yourself, you’ll empathize differently, you’ll care more deeply, you’ll love more vigorously. Why? Because that’s what you would want and do for yourself.

When we get outside ourselves (our circle), we see that other people are hurting too. When we get outside our circle, our compassion for the world begins to grow. When we get outside our circle our heart for the lost strengthens. When we get outside our circle, we see that other people’s situations just might be a little more difficult than the one we find ourselves, which makes us grateful for the life we do have. Getting outside our circle not only changes our perspective, but it falls in line with who God calls us to be.

Simple challenge: This week… how can you get outside your circle? How can you pray, give, serve, encourage, or love outside of your circle? How can you love your neighbor as you love yourself?

Right now, more than ever, our world needs us to get outside our circle. Let’s answer the call of Jesus and be His hands and feet, amen!?

Love you all!

Milanna BakkenComment