“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

Have You Ever Shined A Flashlight Into A Dark Room?

If you haven’t, you’ve probably been living under a rock and that’s another issue, but… What happens when you shine a flashlight into a dark room? Well, what happens is it exposes what’s in the room. When the room was dark you couldn’t see what was in the room, but when the light was flashed in, the room was exposed for what it really was. There was no more hiding what was inside the room.

Why Jesus Came To This Earth

That’s why God sent his only son, Jesus, to this earth. To expose this world of the darkness it was living in; not physical darkness, but spiritual darkness. Before Jesus, our world was a spiritually dark world that was in dire need of spiritual light, or in other words, a Savior. That’s why Jesus came; to bring light to a dark world… John 8:12 “I (Jesus) am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” 

We All Have Darkness That Needs To Be Exposed to Jesus’ Light

Every single one of us (whether we’re willing to admit it or not) has darkness in our souls, our hearts, our lives that need to be exposed to the light of Jesus Christ, myself included! Things like pride, depression, anxiety, sexual sin, or whatever it may be for you. But here’s the deal… The longer we allow darkness to not be exposed to the light, the more the darkness grows. By exposing these things to the light, it allows Jesus to do a work that only he can do. When we expose our darkness, only then can Jesus heal us, restore us, and redeem us. And the beautiful thing is, once it’s exposed, the darkness cannot overcome it! Can I get an amen?!


What Does This Mean For Me?

That’s a good question! But honestly, only you know the answer to that. When you look at your life, what are the areas that you’ve failed to let Christ’s light shine? What are the parts of your life that are spiritually dark? We all have them, but it’s only those who are willing, to be honest with themselves that will experience the true light of Jesus Christ. 


As you read this right now, take a couple of minutes and just ask this question, “God, what in my life have I allowed to keep in the dark?” Once he answers you (because he will), ask him to let his light shine on those issues and see what He begins to do. God is ready and willing to do some amazing work in your life, we just have to allow His light in. 

We are praying with and believing for you today!

Milanna BakkenComment