“But now He has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusation.” Colossians 1:22

If you’re anything like me you know what it feels like to be your own worst critic. It’s one thing for someone else to accuse you of something, to point out a flaw or some obvious shortcoming. But only we really know our inner world; our thoughts, our desires, our motives. And oftentimes I find that because of this, I can be my own biggest accuser on why I fall short or don’t deserve God’s love.

I think as humans that’s one of our biggest plights. We know that criticism and accusations from other people can be both hurtful or helpful when it comes to growing as a person. But it’s the things that only we know of, our inner dialogue that can sometimes bring the greatest accusations.

But read what this verse says again. Highlight it or circle it in your Bibles.

Because of Jesus you are without blemish and FREE from ACCUSATION. Even the things you accuse yourself of. 

When you become a Christian you are not perfected overnight. You are perfect in God’s eyes because of Jesus, but you still have to walk through the process of becoming more and more like Jesus every day. Sometimes you may have amazing moments, and other times you’ll fall short. But we can be assured that because of what Jesus has done on the cross, you’re HOLY, you’re WITHOUT BLEMISH, and you are FREE from any and all accusations!

In your journal or somewhere in your bible write down some of the things you feel like you frequently accuse yourself of. Use this verse to remind yourself that because of Jesus you are free from any accusation of the enemy, a person, or even yourself that comes against you!

Milanna BakkenComment