“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6

Have you ever given up on something? A job, sport, a relationship… We’ve all done it multiple times in our lives. But, why is it that we give up on things? Well, it’s usually because what we are doing is just not working and we are tired of putting effort into something that isn’t offering the return we thought it would or should. Unfortunately, this is how humans often operate: “life isn’t going how I thought it would, so I am going to give up and move on.”

Here’s the dilemma: We tend to think that God feels the same way about us... “They really aren’t doing what I thought they’d do... guess I’m done with them.” That’s laughable. BUT… I can’t tell you how many times (even as a pastor) that I’ve felt this. In seasons where I’m struggling or I have sin in my life, I can allow my mind to go to the place where I feel like God is done using me. Ever felt that? Like God couldn’t possibly want to keep using someone like me…

Can I give you a quick word of encouragement today? Great. THAT IS FALSE! Let me remind you of something… The second that you said yes to Jesus, you started this new journey that he promised to see to completion and no matter what bumps and bruises you experience along the way, God continues to work in and through you! And the reality is, God is never done working in you. The scripture says, “he will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” In other words, until you die or Christ returns, God’s not finished with you yet! That’s some good news.

I know you may be down on yourself in this season… I know you may be struggling… I know you haven’t opened your bible or prayed in 3 months… I know you went back to that toxic relationship (cough cough).  HOWEVER, that does not mean your race is finished or God is done working. 

Understand something: You may give up on God, but he won’t give up on you… You may give up on your calling, but he still has plans for you…You may give up on your purpose, but in God’s eyes, as long as you have breath left in you, your purpose remains! COME ON, SOMEBODY!

Look, God began a good work in you and he will continue that good work in you. Don’t give up, don’t give in, because if God is staying in the fight, so should you.


Love y’all! Praying for you today!

Milanna BakkenComment