“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20

Have you ever considered that you are creative? I know our world puts this weird title on the word “creative”. Today, it’s like a label that sets you apart from everyone else. And it is, but it’s also the opposite.

In Genesis, we get to see the creative process of the Lord, and HOW He made everything. And we see that when God formed us, He made us in HIS image. Our CREATOR made us in His image. This not only means we were created to RULE, over all of God’s creation, but it means we were created to CREATE. It’s in us, each one of us was made with this pull to be creative to make things to start something from nothing to express who we are through creativity. Because that’s what God did and that’s who He is and that’s how he designed us.

We also see in Genesis, that God is having Adam name the animals. God wanted to watch His creation, create something WITH Him, alongside Him. He wants to enjoy us enjoying Him and enjoying His creation by doing what He made us to do.

God invites us to create alongside Him.

So this means that every single person is creative. You may have given into the thought of God just didn’t make me creative. But let me tell you, that’s not something you really get to decide for yourself. Because God said, in Genesis, 

“Let us make man in OUR image” and there He is talking about the trinity. 

So that means that because of God who created you, and because Jesus who saved you, and the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you. You have the power and pull to be creative. 

We are here to help bring heaven to Earth, to show Jesus to those around us. And one way we get to tap into that is by creating alongside the Lord. 

We live for Christ, which means we now create for Christ too!

I challenge you today to tap into that creative side that God gave you. Use this as a different form of worship! Spend time creating something with your creator!

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