Colossians Chapter 4
Before diving into this reading guide I’d urge you to take the next few minutes and read Colossians chapter 4 (or even the entire book of Colossians) all the way through. This will give you a better overall picture of whats going on in this chapter. Then go back with this guide and use this to help highlight some major themes and verses in this chapter and apply them to your own life!
Simple but profound obedience
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful
- Colossians 4:2
Louie Giglio, pastor of Passion City Church once said, “If we could see what happens when we pray, we would never cease to pray.” But often times I find that consistent and devoted prayer is one of the areas where I struggle most in my journey as a follower of Jesus, and I feel like I’m not alone.
In his letter to the church of Colossae Paul encourages believers to be devoted (to give a large amount of time and loyalty) to prayer. But that task in and of itself seems a little daunting. You can’t just not go to work or not hang out with friends because you have to pray. There are also great biblical precedents for having community and working unto the Lord, just as there is with prayer. So what do we do?
I think devotion to prayer means habitually prioritizing prayer. Making prayer a first resort and not a last resort. Making prayer a practice and a discipline over a convenience when we need God to come through for us. It doesn’t have to be 20-30 min chunks at a time. Small, consistent prayers built over a lifetime will trump large but inconsistent prayers every time.
Would you consider yourself “devoted to prayer?” If not don’t worry. Start today. Find a time, even if it’s 2 min in the morning, to begin a small but consistent prayer routine. Then watch how God grows and flourishes that time as you begin daily to devote yourself to prayer!
A Faith That’s Attractive
Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone
- Colossians 4:5-6
When it comes to sharing our faith with others people tend to go one of 2 ways. The first is an aggressive premeditated assault on someones personal belief system ending with a “reasoning” of Christianity’s logic over their own. The second tends to be passive and inconspicuous, never wanting to offend so no hope or perspective is offered unless in the midst of pain or tragedy. However, in Pauls letter to the church in Colossae, he offers another way. A faith that’s attractive.
Paul tells us that we should be intentional and wise when it comes to sharing our faith with those who don’t know Jesus, making the MOST of EVERY opportunity. This way isn’t shy or intimidated by who Jesus is, but is also sensitive to the person and the situation. Wisdom in some instances may be challenging a thought or lifestyle choice. It may also be overlooking an offense to open a door for a more meaningful conversation.
The one constant Paul shares is that every conversation we have should be full of grace. I love that. Think about what drew you to Jesus in the first place. It was His grace. The bible says it’s his kindness that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4). Why would it be any different for anyone else?
When it comes to sharing your faith, what are your hesitations? Take a minute to write some down. Remember that as you do, the most effective evangelism is an attractive faith, full of grace, that is lived out around others.
The Wrestling In The Mystery
Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured
- Colossians 4:12
If I were to ask you, “what’s the will of God for your life” what would you say? You’d probably give me a blank stare and then begin to throw out possibilities before inevitably ending with, “I’m not really sure.” That’s how I would respond anyway.
When it comes to the will of God Paul encourages us that we can stand firm and be fully assured in all the will of God for our life. How? I believe there are 2 things to embrace when it comes to understanding the will of God for our lives:
Wrestling in prayer
Embracing the mystery
I believe prayer is one of the most powerful things we have access to. It’s taking God’s word and making it applicable on a personal level in our life. It’s conversing with God about not just His macro will for the world but His micro will for our lives as individuals. If we want to know what God wants from us, what He’s leading us to, on a very detailed and personal level we have to wrestle in prayer.
And while I believe that prayer is the key to unlocking God’s will for our lives I think there will always be an element of embracing the mystery. Of having the faith to take one step after another, without the entire picture being clear. I believe God reveals His will for our lives at crossroads, in moments, and not all at once. He loves fellowship and friendship, and faith that’s willing to walk out the day to day. So pray, ask God to reveal His will for your life. He’ll answer. And He’ll continue to show you and lead you into the mystery of following Him every day of your life.