In this series Milanna and Connor both talked about the importance in leaving the 99 for the 1. in Luke 15, Jesus tells a story of how heaven rejoices when a shepherd leaves the 99 sheep for the 1 that is missing. The main point of this whole series was that we are commissioned to reach the lost. We don’t need to get overwhelmed by every person who doesn’t know Jesus but focus on the ONE. The ONE boss, the ONE sister or brother, the ONE friend, the ONE co-worker. Focus on the ONE, thats all Jesus asks of us. When we bring the ONE heaven rejoices and we get to join in on that celebration.


  1. What stops you from pursuing, inviting, and chasing after the people you know, that dont know Jesus?

  2. Have you fallen into the 99? Into a pattern of a faith focused on yourself? A faith focused on what you can get out of services and worship, not looking to people who dont know Jesus yet?

  3. Who is your ONE? - the ONE person in the back of your mind who needs to encounter Jesus?

  4. How can you be eager to find people that you can bring into the family of Christ?


Reflect on what fuels your faith. Is it yourself? Is it a pastor? Is it worship? Or is it the knowledge that God once chased after you- and that fuels you to chase after the ONE, to show others what you have encountered. THEN, write down the name of someone you know, that you can invite to church! Pray over that, give it to God, and make a commitment to chase the ONE!

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