Michael Corbisiero, Groups Leader, Littleton Campus

I don’t know about you but over the past six months, I’ve had my share of ups and downs. I’ve had days where I want to take on the world and other days where I just want to binge-watch Netflix shows. This is especially true for me when it comes to working out. There have been so many times I have gone to the gym believing I can become Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson  …. and many more times I want to turn my gym session into a stop at Andy’s Frozen Custard.  #IceCream4Life 

I have found myself in so many seasons with working out where I will stop going one day, then two days, then weeks, and months. My diet will start to shift from balanced healthy meals to chips, takeout, dessert, and whatever snack food I can find. I’ll begin to go to bed later, sleep in later, and fill my time with more and more sedentary activity until I look in the mirror and recognize that I look a bit different. It was those daily decisions in the wrong direction and ta-da! I was not feeling great about where I was and the direction I was heading.

For how many of us is this our spiritual life right now? 

We started off going to church, reading our bible, praying regularly, and feeling connected to God….. and then COVID hit. The church closed, we weren’t able to see our friends, and we began to feel disconnected from God. Bible and prayer turned into Netflix, community, and relationships dissipated, and we slowly stopped seeking God until we found ourselves angrier, stressed, depressed, anxious, and disconnected than ever. What happened? It was those daily decisions over time and ta-da! We are not in a place we want to be in, and heading in a direction we didn’t want to be going. I don’t know where you are all at in this season and I’m not going to pretend to know or be able to understand what you are dealing with, but what I can do is encourage you to continue to engage with God in this season. 

One of my favorite characters in the Bible is Paul, and there is this moment in the Book of Acts where some Jews began to stone Paul and drag him out of the city right after he had healed a man and shared the gospel with the people of Lystra. Paul had been hurt so badly that it says they thought he was dead.

“But after the disciples had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city. The next day he and Barnabas left for Derbe.” (Acts 15:20)

Paul never stopped pursuing Christ and trying to spread the gospel, even at the cost of his own life. Paul was even willing to go back into the city after being stoned! I don’t know about you but that is a man on a mission, unwilling to let to his circumstances stop him. Today I encourage you to engage with God and take daily steps toward him. When the world is trying to pull you away, continue to fight for time in prayer and the word, fight for time in community with others and continue to seek ways to draw close to him in this season.

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