“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” Matthew 28:19

If you’ve been around church for a little (like maybe 2 weeks), you’ve probably heard about Paul; one of the heroes of the Christian faith.

When we first meet Paul, he has a different name and occupation; Saul the Roman soldier. He is determined, tough as nails, and on a mission to hunt down and imprison any of those associated with the Christian faith. While on a journey to Damascus, Saul was knocked down, surrounded by light, and blinded by the Lord for three days. It wasn’t until he met Ananias, a disciple, that Paul was miraculously relieved of his blindness and he experienced the true power of Jesus Christ. 


After Paul’s encounter with Christ, he left his old life behind him to pursue the command that Jesus gave to all those who follow Him: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” Matthew 28:19. He carried this out no matter what situation he found himself in. 

When he was in jail, he would share the gospel with those around him. When an earthquake was sent from God to free him from prison, he would talk to the guards about the story of Christ. When he was on a boat, he would live out a life that honored Christ. When he was shipwrecked and stuck on a foreign island, he would preach the word of Christ to all that would listen.

Paul was wildly courageous and brave in sharing his faith. Although it seems intimidating to start living this way, it’s what God wants for each and every one of us. Our ultimate call above everything else is to share the Bible with those around us. Make this your mission above all and you’ll begin to see God’s love in action. You’ll feel peace unexplainable. You’ll experience joy undeniable. But you have to start. 

Pray and ask God to reveal one person in your life you can begin sharing the gospel with. Pray for strength and courage to talk to them about the love of Christ. Reach out to them today and set a time to hang out. Hear their story, share your testimony, and let God do His thing throughout it all. 

Milanna BakkenComment