“The official said to him, ‘Sir, come down before my child dies.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Go; your son will live.’ The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and went on his way.” John 4:49-50

When I was growing up, I had a friend who was all about conspiracy theories. She would always come to me with the latest and greatest conspiracy and use half-baked documents and at-home videos as “proof” that it was real. Some of my favorite theories we talked about were; the lizard people invading the worldly governments disguised as people in order to take over, all of the DIA bunkers and underground pathways that the government keeps secret, and, my personal favorite, the “chemtrails” left behind planes that allow the government to control the weather (and if you’re one of the people that believes, this, don’t @ me, I’m not going to argue with you…)

For me, it wasn’t the theory that seemed unreasonable, but it was the forced patterns and the lack of proof that stopped me from believing (but I’m also stubborn and need to find it on my own). So when I read the story of Jesus healing the official’s son, I’m baffled.

This man and Jesus are chit-chatting about signs and the need to believe, so the man asks Jesus to come and heal his son. Jesus tells the man that his son will live, the official believes him, he begins walking home, and on the journey finds out that his son is recovering from his illness. That’s it. He walked away and trusted His word.

I don’t know about you, but I struggle thinking this way! I know that God has spoken things into my life and told me that they will come, but rather than walking away and believing His word, I stay in confusion and ask Him for more details and clarity and the plan. I sit in anxiety instead of walking away in freedom.

So YA, what are you still asking God for that He’s already spoken over you? Has He spoken healing over your heart, but you keep asking who, what, when, where, and why? Has He called you to be a mother or father, but you keep asking for the plan?

Let’s begin to walk away from what God has said, not out of fear for what is to come, but in confidence knowing that He has the power to carry out His promise over you.

Milanna BakkenComment