“Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, ‘God will not deliver him.’ But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain... From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people.” Psalm 3:1-4

There’s a commonality that everyone is guaranteed to face in life regardless of race, age, or gender. Everyone, at some point in life, will face hardship, struggles, or opposition. While everyone's hardship may not look exactly the same or be of the same brevity, we can rest assured that (and the bible confirms) as long as you are alive you will face opposition at some point.

Maybe for you, that’s loneliness. You’ve wanted to be in a loving and caring relationship but can’t seem to find someone. Maybe for you, that’s financial struggles. You do your best to work and manage your finances but you just can’t seem to get ahead. Maybe it’s a physical sickness or disease. You’re constantly battling chronic illness and feel like you’re missing out on what life has to offer because of your health.

No matter what the opposition, we all face battles. I believe what sets someone apart isn’t the battles they face, but from where they search for deliverance. If you’re lonely, you may think that a relationship is the cure. If you’re broke you may think that money is the answer. If you’re sick you may be hoping in medicine or a doctor to be your solution. And while all these things are good and given to us by God to help us flourish in life, none of these were created to be our source of deliverance.

In this Psalm King David was fleeing for his life from his son who just caused a revolt to throw David from his kingship. Not only did his son want to be king but he wanted his father David dead. In what I can only imagine as one of the hardest moments in David's life, David calls out to the Lord to be his shield and deliverer. David knew that even in the hardest moments in life, God was the only one able to anchor his soul in security and peace.

What about you? Where do you look when hardship comes your way? Is God your first resort for peace in hard times, or do you wait until everything else has let you down to call on Him?

We can all be assured that we will face hard times in life. But God reassures us that He is here, He is close, and all we need to do is call on the name of Jesus for Him to come to our rescue.

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