Andrew Matrone, YA Ministry Lead
“Remain in me, and I will remain in you.” John 15:4
My family LOVES Target -- it might as well be Disneyland in the Matrone household. However, I don’t think anyone in our family loves Target as much as our 4-year-old son, Abram. Now, Abram loves a lot of things about Target, but one of the main things he loves is the front doors that open - not by pushing on them - but by only walking up to them. He thinks it’s magic.
Now, us older adults know it’s not magic, right?! Well hopefully… We know these doors open because there is a little sensor at the top of the door that senses movement, so the closer I am to the door, the greater the likelihood the door will open. In other words, these doors open by proximity.
I believe the same holds true in our relationship with Jesus. You see, the closer I am to Jesus, the more I will begin to understand the heart of Jesus and the more I begin to understand the heart of Jesus, the more I’ll begin to understand the will of Jesus and his desires for my life. YOUR PROXIMITY TO JESUS MATTERS.
For a lot of believers, we want answers from Jesus and want to know his plan… HOWEVER… oftentimes we don’t want to play our part in the process. Notice something though, this verse (John 15:4) explains a two-sided relationship. YOU remain in me and I will remain in you. As I remain or abide in Jesus, Jesus will remain or abide in me. The word “remain” means to continue to exist, especially after other similar people or things have ceased to exist. This is profound.
Right now, we are living in a world where a lot of things are “ceasing to exist”, but one thing remains… JESUS. Question is though, during this trying time, will you remain in him? Understand something… If you want to experience his peace, power, strength, guidance, comfort, wisdom (the list goes on), then you must REMAIN in Him!
Let this be a time where you look back and say, “That was when I learned to remain and abide in Christ.” During this season of isolation, engage with your creator. Put down your phone and pick up your Word. Stop Netflix and start praying! Because, the closer you are to Jesus, the more you’ll experience the heart and plans of Jesus and doors you didn’t even know existed might just begin to open.
Don’t fade, don’t step back… Lean in and REMAIN!
Praying for you today!