Zach Atwood - Events & Operations Lead

Some people love being stuck at home while some people hate it, but no matter where you find yourself on that emotional scale, we need to take the wise step and stay home as much as we can to help #FlattenTheCurve. Staying in one place for that long can create some emotional instability, but don’t stress, we got 101 things you can do at home to cure the stir-crazies.

Is anyone’s house this boujee looking? If so, HMU. You need to style my life.

Is anyone’s house this boujee looking? If so, HMU. You need to style my life.

  • Do your laundry (you’ve let the pile of dirty clothes stack up on “the chair” for too long)

  • Read a chapter from your favorite book

  • Organize the infamous junk drawer

  • Write out 10 things you love about yourself

  • Go through your closet and Marie Kondo that place

  • Dust the house

  • Call that friend you never called back (we all have one)

  • Download the top game in the app store and veg out for a minute

  • Reread your favorite childhood book

  • Write a letter to your mom, cause moms love that stuff

  • Do 33 jumping jacks

  • Take the Meyers-Briggs test 

  • Learn to manage your finances (you can take FPU online! So worth it!)

  • Vacuum your room

  • Write a short story with this as your launching point, “I jumped on a plane to… “

  • Move around the furniture in your room #FengShui

  • Print out a coloring page and get to work 

  • Pick up that musical instrument again

  • Learn to knit or crochet

  • Go through the apps on your phone and delete 5 of them

  • Make your bed

We may be young, but we’re still young adults; make your bed.

We may be young, but we’re still young adults; make your bed.

  • Watch your parent’s favorite movie

  • Water your plants (but if you have succulents, stop watering them every day)

  • Call your best friend from high school and catch up

  • Teach your grandma/grandpa how to Facetime/Skype/Google Hangout

  • Register for a free online class

  • Create a nightly skincare routine (holler at me for mine)

  • Write about your most favorite memory from elementary school

  • Find your old MySpace account

  • Cook yourself your favorite meal (Don’t have the ingredients? Modify and get weird)

  • Set up screen time rules for your phone

  • Go through your bathroom cabinet and throw out the stuff you don’t use

  • Create and design your own board game

  • Anonymously buy a friend a meal from GrubHub/Postmates/DoorDash

  • Text your phone number neighbor (aka your phone number plus 1)

  • Clean out and organize the fridge

  • Watch your favorite movie of all time

  • Doodle for 30 minutes

  • Write down a list of 101 things you can do in your home

  • Send an encouraging text to a friend

  • Sign up for a one-hour prayer slot… cough cough

  • Do 50 pushups

  • Bake cookies as a reward for doing 50 pushups

  • Write a poem

  • Start a devotional plan on The Bible App

  • Facebook stalk your frienemy from middle school

  • DIY a gift for your roommate or neighbor using only the things in your place currently

  • Create an idea for an app

  • Learn a magic trick

  • Finish/start your taxes

  • Rebrand your Instagram

  • Have a spa night (even if it’s ghetto)

  • Clean your tech stuff  (cell phone, computer, headphones, etc) 

  • Do an at-home workout with @redrockssports

  • Use a random generator, put numbers 1-66, read the book of the Bible that corresponds with that number 

  • Learn a TikTok dance

  • Build a cootie-catcher and tell your friends their future

  • Take the enneagram test (don’t let the results absorb you…)

  • Go like all of your best friend’s profile pictures on Facebook (comment on the best ones so they pop up on the newsfeed for the world to see)

  • Do a DIY hair mask

  • Plan a party (for after the quarantine)

  • Catch up on that Bible-In-A-Year plan you’ve fallen behind on...

  • Put all of your family and friends’ birthdays in your calendar

  • Relearn that language you were forced to take in high school

At least this time you won’t be surrounded by sweating, weird people this time… well, hopefully.

At least this time you won’t be surrounded by sweating, weird people this time… well, hopefully.

  • Google yourself and share the results with your friends, have them send you their results

  • Develop a morning routine

  • Go through your pens and throw out the ones that don’t work

  • Watch an episode from your favorite childhood show

  • Nap

  • Alphabetize/organize your bookshelf

  • Finish that book you started 3 years ago

  • Facebook stalk your middle school crush

  • Organize all of your personal documents (insurance info, car info, birth certificate, etc)

  • Make the best paper airplane 

  • Clean out your car (we see those TacoBell wrappers…)

  • Puzzle it uppp

  • Learn calligraphy

  • Facetime/Skype with a friend and watch a trashy reality show together

  • Organize the Tupperware mess

  • Read a magazine cover to cover

  • Learn some yoga

  • Build a fort in the living room

  • Mail a “Quarantine Care Package” to your friend in another state

  • Organize the photos on your phone and print your favorites

  • Start a blog on something you’re passionate about

  • Watch Great British Baking Show (if you’re not into the show, reevaluate your life)

  • Read a top-10 book of all times

  • Become the expert on your favorite band

  • Draw a self-portrait

  • Train your nondominant hand to do stuff 

  • Learn how to tie 10 different types of knots

  • Write a song

  • Build a playlist that includes the best songs from your middle school dayz

  • Jump rope for 3 minutes (bonus points if you can do tricks)

  • Reach out and interview someone you admire

  • Listen to a podcast series

  • Floss (cause we know you haven’t been doing that since your last dentist visit)

  • Clean your roommate’s bathroom for them 

  • Make homemade slime

  • Clean your oven/microwave/stove/toaster

  • Watch your favorite church message with a friend (virtually)

Again, no matter if you like staying in or you would rather explore the world, this season we are going to be wise and cautious. This is not only to keep ourselves stay safe but to ensure that those around us healthy and well. If you have any ideas on how to avoid the stir-crazies, let us know in the comments below!


Milanna BakkenComment