YA MESSAGE 4.30.2020
Join us as YA Lead Pastor, Andrew Matrone, brings a word on how to re-engage your faith!
are you caught up on the YA daily devo?
Have you ever felt as if your calling has been stalled by a storm that is happening in your life? I would hazard to guess that for most of us, 2020 has been the year of storms that have made us question the callings on our lives.
I am weary and tired. Are you? Maybe you are a full-time student with a full-time job, or maybe someone who is working 2 or even 3 jobs because Colorado is insanely expensive.
As I was writing today’s devo, I had a completely different direction, but I felt in my heart that someone reading this today felt tired and overwhelmed. Maybe you read this today and you feel overwhelmed with life or your work, your relationships, your job, your finances… FILL IN THE BLANK.
Here’s a verse that almost anyone in the American world would know. Whether you’re an atheist, Buddhist, Muslim, new age spiritual (whatever that means) or follower of Jesus you’re somewhat familiar with John 3:16.
Have you ever done something you regretted? Gone out with someone and then hated it later? That time you cut someone with your words?
I don’t know about you but I often find myself second guessing if God really has forgiven me. I know He said He has forgiven me, I know that one of the biggest gospel themes is my forgiveness because of Jesus, but sometimes I just wonder if it really has stuck.