“The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.” Psalm 119:130

“Read your bible!” - Every pastor every Sunday and Thursday.

Yes, and you should! The Bible is the greatest collection of writing in history and we believe it is much much more than that. We believe it is scripture, inspired by God himself, to teach us many things including what God is like, what he is doing on the earth, and what a godly life looks like.

For us, a good life and a Godly life are the exact same thing.

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the whole Bible and it is a prayer between the author and God. It is about the power of meditating on the Word. Meditation is not a Buddhist or Hindu thing, it is a human thing and we get to choose what we meditate on. For example, excessive worry is meditation. But it’s meditation on the wrong thing.

The Bible is unique in that it is meditation literature; it is written with the intent that the reader will spend time meditating on it. It is also written assuming you know what is going to happen at the end of the story. Think about that for a minute.

It is written assuming the reader knows what is going to happen throughout and at the end of the story. But what if you’ve never read it? Great question!

It is written this way because it is meant to be read over and over again, meditated on, and thought through. In the words of the Psalmist: it unfolds. This is one of the reasons you can read the bible and have new things pop out to you every single time you read it. This is also why you can read your bible and it does not make any sense whatsoever.

There is an unfolding nature to the Bible. As you read it over and over, as you meditate on it for years on years, and as the holy spirit enlightens different parts, the wisdom found in every single word unfolds. Give it time to unfold. One day it will make sense, one day it will speak to you, one day it will unfold and it will be at the right time.

That time will come as you read your bible daily. Read it as much as you can, listen to it, get it into your mind so that it becomes the filter by which you see the world. In this process, the word begins to unfold.

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