“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” 1 Peter 5:10

Do you know what I love most about God? Is that he allows us to go through difficult situations, but he doesn’t keep us in them and more importantly, He doesn’t make us stand in them alone. All throughout scripture you see this play out… i.e. Moses, Daniel, Job, David, Abram & Sarai, Mary & Joseph, Peter, Paul… I could go on and on. This is how God has always engaged with his people.

It’s important to remember though, that God’s people are not exempt from difficult trials — it’s not only part of human life, it’s part of the Christian life. If you’ve been frustrated with God in this season because of your circumstance, maybe you’ve forgotten that. HOWEVER, the beautiful thing is God is constantly working on our behalf. That’s what I love about 1 Peter 5:10. It exemplifies our relationship with God.

Let’s break it down…

  1. ("After you’ve suffered a little while”) There are 2 promises in this statement. ONE… you’re going to have moments (or seasons) where you feel like you are suffering, where you’re hurting, where life doesn’t seem fair. It’s just going to happen. TWO… it’s not going to last forever. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Why?

  2. ("The God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ") You always have to remember in your difficult seasons that the God we serve is the God of grace, he’s the God of peace, he’s the God of strength, joy, compassion, forgiveness… should I go on? Not only that, but this God of grace has called you to his eternal glory. In other words, he is a good father who STILL has great plans for you, regardless of your current situation. But... this God of grace has a promise for you… 

  3. (“He will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you”) This is powerful — this God of grace, who created the universe, who created the heavens and the earth, who created you, will HIMSELF (not anyone else or something else, but HIMSELF) restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you. That’s good news!

So, all this to say… You might be going through it right now, but in the meantime, can you trust that God is working on your behalf? Can you trust that he stands with you and beside you? Can you trust that in due time he is going to restore you, strengthen you, confirm you and establish you?

You got this because God’s got this! AMEN?!

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